1010 Wyeast American Wheat Yeast - Use By

Availability: Out of stock
£14.58 £12.15

Wyeast ™ 1010 American Wheat Yeast

A strong fermenting, true top cropping yeast that produces a dry, slightly tart, crisp beer. Ideal for beers when a low ester profile is desirable.
Flocculation: Low
Attenuation: 74-78%
Temperature Range: 58-74° F (14-23° C)
Alcohol Tolerance: approximately 10% ABV
Ideal for American Wheat or Rye Beer
Cream Ale
Düsseldorf Altbier
Northern German Altbier
Instructions How to use the Activator wyeast
1. To activate, locate and move inner packet to a corner. Place this area in palm of one hand and firmly smack package with the other hand to break inner nutrient packet. Confirm inner packet is broken.
2. Shake the package well to release the nutrients.
3. Allow package to incubate and swell for three hours or more at 70-75°F (21-24°C) or immediately direct pitch into wort.
4. Use sanitizing solution to sanitize the package before opening.
5. Shake well, open and pour Activator™ into five gallons of well-aerated or oxygenated wort at 70-75°F (21-24°C). Maintain temperature until fermentation is evident: by CO2 bubble formation, bubbling airlock or foaming on top of wort.
6. Adjust to desired fermentation temperature.
Full swelling of Activator™ packages is not required for their use. The contents of Activator™ packages may be direct-pitched without prior activation. Our smack pack technology is intended to be a tool for your use in determining viability, and in initiating metabolism for faster starts to fermentation
Swelling of the packs before they are smacked .If the packs warm up, dissolved CO2 in the yeast slurry will come out of solution and cause the pack to swell. It is not going from liquid to a gas state.. the liquid form of CO2 only exists at extremely high pressure or extremely low temperatures.
The swelling DOES NOT indicate that there is an infection or cross contamination.
Please note the wyeast yeasts are sent out without any cooling products, we been selling liquid yeasts for years and have very little trouble Just try to avoid ordering on a Friday as they could be sat in the Parcel Force depot over the weekend.
When using any liquid yeasts good idea to have a dried yeast as a backup