Winebuddy Wine making Kits 30 Bottle

Winebuddy Wine making Kits 30 Bottle

Winebuddy Wine making Kits 30 Bottle
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      WineBuddy Merlot 30 Bottle Wine Kit
      £23.52 £19.60
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    Young’s Wine Buddy 30 Bottle 7-day Wine Kit

    General Instructions for Wine Buddy kits, PLEASE read the instructions in the kit before making your wine, as some items may be differant

    Before starting your kit, check all sachets and read instructions thoroughly before starting your wine.

    The following ingredients are included in this kit:

     1 x Concentrate Pack from which the wine will be made

     Pack A: Yeast/Nutrient to start the fermentation process

     Pack C: Stabiliser to stop the fermentation process

     Pack D: F-Pack(s) to enhance the varietal characteristics of the wine

     Pack E: Finings 1/Pack F: Finings 2/Pack G: Finings 3 to clear the wine

    You will also need the following:

    Young’s Steriliser to clean and steriliser all equipment

    2 x 25L Fermentation Vessels one to brew in, another to syphon fermented wine into

    4 kg of white sugar to assist the fermentation process ( Brewing Sugar recommended )

    Spoon to stir your brew

    Hydrometer to check that the fermentation process. (Very Important)

    Airlock (with grommet / bung) to allow the release of gas produced during fermentation

    1 x 25L Fermentation Vessel lid to cover fermentation container and prevent contamination

    Syphon Tube and Vessel Clip to transfer the wine to the second container

    30 x Wine Bottles & Corks to store the wine in once it is made

    Day 0 – Fermentation

    1. Clean all equipment with Steriliser (follow instructions on Steriliser).
    2. Fill a Fermentation Vessel to 5 litres with hot water. (temperature less than 53oC)
    3. Add the Sugar into the hot water, in 1kg increments, stirring for 30 seconds until completely dissolved.
    4. Add the Concentrate Pack into the Fermentation Vessel and stir for 30 seconds. Rinse using a small amount of cold tap water

    then add to the Vessel. In the case of the grape juice crystallising, immerse the pack in warm water to clear for 5


    1. Top up the Fermentation Vessel with cold tap water to 22.7 litres and stir for 30 seconds. Check the Starting Gravity using an


    1. Add Pack A: Yeast/Nutrient into the liquid, stir for 30 seconds then tightly fit the lid.
    2. Attach the Airlock to the Lid using a Grommet or Bung, half-fill the airlock with cold water. Keep topped up.
    3. Leave the Vessel to ferment at room temperature (20o-25o C) for 6 days. We recommend the Vessel is placed on a tray or work

    surface in case of excessive Fermentation. After 6 days, check the specific gravity using a Hydrometer. If the specific gravity is

    less than 0.996 - proceed to instruction 9. Fermentation can take longer than 6 days if the temperature fluctuates below 20o C –

    do not continue to step 9 until the gravity has reached less than 0.996.

    Day 6 – Clearing

    1. Once fermentation is complete, add Pack C: Stabiliser into the wine and stir vigorously over the next few hours to help dissolve

    and remove the Co2/Gas from the wine. This will also aid clearing later on.

    1. Add Pack D: F-Pack into the wine and stir for 30 seconds (for Sauvignon Blanc - add parts A & B.) If the F-Pack contains any

    sediment or “bits”, this will be removed by the finings and will not affect the quality or appearance of your wine.

    1. Add Pack E: Finings 1 into the wine then stir gently for 10 seconds and leave to stand for 1 hour. Refit the lid.
    2. Add Pack F: Finings 2 into the wine then stir gently for 10 seconds and leave to stand for 1 hour. Refit the lid.
    3. Add Pack G: Finings 3 into the wine then stir gently for 10 seconds then refit the lid and leave for 24hrs. The Vessel should be

    stood on a raised surface (like a kitchen Worktop) to allow the wine to be syphoned / transferred later.


    Day 7 – Syphoning & Finishing-off

    1. After 24hrs the wine should be clear, if not leave for a further 24 hrs or until clear before proceeding.
    2. Once clear, rinse the second Vessel with hot water and syphon the wine into this using the Syphon Tube and Vessel Clip. See

    Beginners Syphoning Instructions below.

    1. If you wish to sweeten your wine it should be done at this stage. When sweetening, add five tablespoons of Sugar, stir to dissolve

    then taste. Repeat per tablespoon until desired sweetness is achieved.

    1. Finally, rinse & Sterilise 30 x Wine Bottles and Closures thoroughly with hot water. Syphon the wine into the bottles and seal

    with the Closures.

    Your wine is now ready to serve, drink and enjoy….

    Other Types available : Chardonnay / Sauvignon Blanc / Pinot Grigio /White Zinfandel /Cabernet Sauvignon /Merlot

    Serving suggestion Storage suggestion

    White wine: Serve chilled Special maturing ingredients have been

    Red wine: Serve at room temperature included to allow immediate serving.

    Wine will continue to improve during

    the first 3 months of storage.

    Consume within 12 months.

    Beginners Hydrometer Instructions

    If you have not used a hydrometer before, please take time to follow these instructions carefully.

    IMPORTANT Always use the hydrometer to test the progress of the wine and definitely prior to bottling.

    1. a) Fill a test jar to within 20 mm of the top.
    2. b) Put the hydrometer into the test jar, pushing it down to the bottom then allowing it to float up and find it’s own level.
    3. c) The S.G. will be the mark on the hydrometer at the level of the liquid.

    Beginners Syphoning Instructions . If you have not syphoned before, please take time to follow these instructions carefully.

    1. A) Place the empty container sufficiently so that the top of this container is below the bottom of the original fermentation container.
    2. B) Submerge the end of the syphon tube so that the sediment trap is about half way down into the wine. Attach the syphon tube to

    the container using the clip provided. Be careful not to disturb the sediment at the bottom of the container. You will not need to

    touch the original fermentation container again until instruction d).

    1. C) Crouch down to a level below the original fermentation container and continue to suck the end of the syphon tube (in one go…do

    not stop!) until you see the wine flow past the bottom of the original fermentation vessel – then quickly put the syphon tube into

    the second empty container. The wine should now be flowing from the first to the second container. If the wine does not flow

    but returns to the original container it means you did not suck for long enough – liquid will only flow downhill! You can now

    forget about the second container providing it was positioned correctly in a) above.

    1. D) As the liquid level drops in the original container, carefully and slowly lower the syphon tube further into the wine by gently

    pushing the syphon tube through the clip (do not remove the clip). Keep an eye on the other end of the syphon tube to ensure it

    is still well inside the second container.

    1. E) To get the maximum amount of wine transferred, if you are very careful, you can lower the sediment trap of the syphon tube

    slightly into the sediment – but it takes skill to avoid sediment being also transferred.